Tanya Bayona M.Q.R.
F.I.S.T.D. London
Enrico Cecchetti Diploma
Dancer, Teacher, Pioneer
Biographical Details
Tanya Bayona, MQR FISTD (London), is a Fellow of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, London and holder of the Enrico Cecchetti Diploma.
Following her early training in Malta with Princess Nathalie Poutiatine, Tanya furthered her dance education in London at the Vacani School of Dancing and later attended full time professional training in classical ballet and the performing arts at the Nesta Brooking Choreographic School in London.
Tanya’s love of performing as a dancer led her to success in various film, TV and stage engagements in England and Ireland; she performed with several British Dance companies and appeared in a number of films such as The Intelligence Men, Carry on Henry, The Life of Galileo, and the internationally famous musical Fiddler on the Roof. She also auditioned successfully for Sadlers Wells Ballet Company directed by Pauline Grant.
However, her pioneering spirit and her love of Maltese heritage drew her back home, where in 1965 she established the Tanya Ballet Studio and introduced the Cecchetti Method in classical ballet to Malta. The method has now flourished and there are now some twenty ballet schools teaching it.
Her dedicated teaching methods led to the creation of many beautiful and talented dancers, which enabled her to produce and choreograph numerous works for her company, performed in Malta and internationally.
In 1980 Tanya amalgamated her dance studio with the Princess Nathalie Poutiatine Academy of Ballet, to become the Tanya Bayona-Poutiatine Academy of Ballet, which Tanya directed until 2004. Her long association with Princess Poutiatine (doyenne of classical ballet in Malta) inspired Tanya to continue her legacy of dance to the Maltese people. In 1989 Tanya established the Tanya Bayona Dance Theatre Company to explore contemporary dance with a Mediterranean identity and performed at various international festivals in Malta, Tunisia, Italy, Germany and France.
Tanya’s awards include: the Medal for Service to the Republic of Malta/Midalja Ghall-Qadi tar-Repubblika (MQR) for her life-long commitment to dance and ballet in Malta (2008); the Enrico Cecchetti Gold Medal awarded at the Royal Ballet School, London (2009); Chevalier dans Les Palmes Academiques awarded by the Government of France.
In 2018 The Cecchetti Society Faculty London, together with the Cecchetti competition organisers launched the ‘Tanya Bayona Award’, funded by The Cecchetti Society Trust London, for senior Maltese students holding an annual bursary towards their study in the method. The award was inaugurated to honour Tanya Bayona in recognition of her work establishing and promoting the Cecchetti Method in Malta.
Tanya collaborated over a period of six years with Dr. Kathrina Farugia-Kriel on a book “The Life of Princess Nathalie Poutatine and the Art of Ballet in Malta” which was published in 2019 by FPM (Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti) Her current international engagements include: guest teaching, adjudicating in classical ballet and choreography and participating at international dance conferences.

Tanya’s love for classical ballet and her interest in the arts allowed her to travel extensively, discovering new horizons and cultures. Her interest in cuisine has become her main hobby and she loves to entertain friends and family. She has made many friends across the world and is known for her loyalty and joy of life which she shares with enthusiasm.
Her appreciation of nature and wildlife brings her much joy and the study of yoga and wellbeing has become a central part of her life. She is married to Jeremy Locatelli who shares her love of travel and adventure. They both enjoy their time spent at their homes in Gozo, Malta and Tasmania, Australia.
Tanya has been a member of the Board of Governors of MCC (Mediterranean Conference Centre, Malta) Since 2013.